Goat Yoga with Jenna and Jill!


Come to Mount Gilead Farm for goat yoga with Jenna and Jill!

returning in Spring 2024

The farm is teaming with life and the kids are ready to bring next level playfulness to your practice. Weather permitting, the class will be held in a pasture with surrounding farm and mountain views. Otherwise, we’ll cozy up in the barn. The class will be gentle and follow the natural rhythms of nature.

Registration required and attendance limited. The class cost $30. Cash and Venmo payments accepted. Please bring your own mat. We will have a few extras on hand, for those who may need one.

About Jenna:
Jenna moved to Asheville in 2014 and fell in love with yoga shortly afterwards as she began to experience her first classes around town. She took yoga teacher training and became certified through Asheville Community Yoga in 2018. While working in mental health, she was able to apply her teaching with clients both individually and in small group settings.

In her personal life Jenna has enjoyed physical fitness through various forms including weight lifting, yoga, Pilates, dance, running, and hiking. She currently teaches full time at a Montessori preschool, and has a toddler of her own.

Jenna is excited to facilitate a yoga practice that allows participants to absorb the therapeutic aspects of the asanas, the beautiful surroundings, and the animals. Whether it’s someone’s first time practicing or they are deeply familiar with yoga they are sure to gain something from this experience!

About Jill:
Jill began a dedicated daily meditation practice over twenty years ago. Along side that, she incorporates various forms of yogic and self-care practices into her life routines.

In her professional life, Jill is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Certified Wellness Coach and Home Organization Specialist. Jill frequently, incorporates meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and qigong principles into her work with clients.

Personally, Jill has always had a special connection with animals and nature in general. She began working at Mount Gilead a year ago, as a personal therapeutic outlet. Since then, Jill has adopted four goat kids of her own and incorporates them into her therapeutic practices with clients, whenever fitting. Jill has been nurturing the newly born kids at the farm and is ecstatic to share their exuberance with the community in this yoga practice.

Email to register: yogamtgileadfarm@gmail.com